The Electric Vehicle Revolution Down Under: Are EVs Worth It in Australia?

I’m known for my love of technology and cars, so it’s no wonder that electric vehicles have been an exciting aspect of the renewable energy industry for me. I’ve road-tested many EVs and shared my reviews, but I’m still approached by many people with the exact same question; are EVs really worth the hype?

Australia has been witnessing a surge in interest surrounding EVs. With concerns about climate change, rising fuel costs, and the need for sustainable transportation solutions, many Australians are contemplating whether EVs are truly worth the investment. In this blog, I’ll explore the benefits and challenges of owning an electric vehicle in Australia to help you make an informed decision.

Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles

One of the primary motivations for switching to electric vehicles is their positive impact on the environment. EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality. There’s been a lot of debate surrounding the manufacturing impact of EVs and whether they are actually ‘green’. The way I look at it is what we are comparing electric vehicles to. If I were to purchase an internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle and an electric vehicle right now, they would both have a similar carbon footprint from a manufacturing perspective (5 to 9 metric tonnes of CO2 emissions for an ICE vehicle compared to 3 to 15 metric tonnes for an EV – depending on the battery size and materials used). The usage of an ICE vehicle produces approximately 2.3 kilograms of CO2 per litre of petrol burned, while an EV emits around 50-120 grams of CO2 per kilometre driven, depending on the source of electricity used for charging.

ev news australia
MG Z Fully Electric Vehicle

All in all, electric vehicles are generally regarded to have a better environmental impact over their lifespan. As Australia moves towards 100% renewable energy generation, the emissions associated with charging EVs will also reduce. And as battery technology develops and end-of-life recycling increases, EVs will be among the best choices for consumer transportation.

Cost Savings

While electric vehicles might have a higher upfront cost compared to their petrol or diesel counterparts, they can deliver substantial long-term savings. Australia has relatively high fuel prices, and EV owners can take advantage of lower electricity costs, resulting in significant savings on fuel expenses. Furthermore, electric vehicles have fewer moving parts, reducing maintenance and repair costs over time.

Government Incentives

The Australian government has recognised the importance of EV adoption and has implemented various incentives to encourage their purchase. These incentives include grants, rebates, and subsidies for EV buyers. Additionally, certain states and territories offer benefits such as reduced registration fees and access to bus lanes and toll-free roads, making EV ownership more appealing.

Charging Infrastructure

One common concern about electric vehicles is the availability of charging infrastructure. Australia has been steadily expanding its charging network, with both government and private initiatives in place. Although the charging infrastructure is not as extensive as in some other countries, major cities and towns are witnessing a growing number of public charging stations, making long-distance travel more feasible. Aussies love their shopping centres and the adoption of free/cheap charging stations allows us to indulge our shopping spree needs whilst charging the car for the week.

Range Anxiety

Range anxiety, the fear of running out of charge before reaching a charging station, is a significant consideration for potential EV buyers. However, modern electric vehicles have made remarkable strides in range capabilities, with many models now offering over 300 kilometres on a single charge. Additionally, advances in fast-charging technology are reducing charging times, and alleviating range anxiety concerns. Considering that the average Aussie travels approximately 250-300kms per week and that many EV owners plug in and top up overnight, there’s little reason to be concerned about running out of juice.

Market Availability and Choice

The availability of electric vehicle models in the Australian market has increased in recent years, offering consumers a wider range of options. Major automakers are introducing electric models tailored to different budgets and preferences. This growing market ensures that consumers have more choices when considering an electric vehicle purchase. We’ve seen the recent announcement of the consumer-friendly MG range that competes with the average price of a comparable ICE vehicle.

Market Availability and Choice

Bi-directional Charging

The next thing I’m most excited about is bi-directional charging – which essentially means not only charging your electric vehicle by your home but flicking the switch and powering your home using your car’s battery! Having the ability to supply 100% of the home’s needs via renewable energy is how we progress to a ZERO-Carbon future. Using your car as both a vehicle and a power source is a very smart Investment and will alleviate the financial concerns for many with respect to investing in an EV or doing the math on the financial viability of installing a solar battery.

The home and the EV can be charged by the solar system throughout the day, then the EV battery can be discharged at night/early morning to power the home when the sun goes down. The power source that charges the car whilst it’s out and about during the daytime will determine whether it’s a step towards ZERO-carbon or just a continuation of the same cycle. Bi-directional charging with a home solar system would definitely be a giant leap forward.


Electric vehicles are gaining traction in Australia as viable alternatives to conventional combustion engine cars. With their environmental benefits, potential cost savings, government incentives, and a growing charging infrastructure, the case for electric vehicles in Australia is becoming stronger. While challenges such as range anxiety and upfront costs remain, technological advancements and government support are addressing these concerns. Ultimately, the decision to invest in an electric vehicle depends on individual circumstances, but it is evident that EVs are a promising and worthwhile choice for many Australians.

As Australia continues to work towards a sustainable and greener future, embracing electric vehicles can contribute to a cleaner environment and reduced reliance on fossil fuels. The time to consider an electric vehicle in Australia is now, as the EV revolution takes shape, unlocking a brighter and more sustainable future for transportation. I, for one, know that my next vehicle purchase will be of the electric variety!

“A zero-carbon future was once only a dream, but it is now a very real and nearing goal for Australia. Recent leaps and bounds in renewable energy technology and research, historical decisions made by local, state, and federal government, changes made to business practices, and the individual moves by Aussies to take control of their carbon footprint, have all helped Australia transition to a cleaner future. Your decisions today will have a huge impact on the future, so help Australia move away from fossil fuels and energy-hungry practices with your purchasing power. Going solar, choosing greener, and driving cleaner will reduce your bills and your carbon footprint!”

Roshan Ramnarain
CEO of Energy Matters

Roshan Ramnarain

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