Women in renewables leading the way in the clean and solar energy industry

clean energy policy

Women in renewables are smashing the clean energy industry glass ceiling, with increasing numbers of females reaching senior ranks.

In addition, the Clean Energy Council (CEC) has introduced an e-mentoring program designed to help women advance in their renewables careers.

This CEC Women in Renewables project identifies senior women and men who are keen to mentor female employees.

The Australian Women in Resources Alliance (AWRA) e-mentoring program matches up mentors with female mentees. The pair then build a mentoring relationship via email, Skype and phone services.

The AWRA program offers expert guidance to help participants optimise their experience.

Clean energy industry glass ceiling shattered

Unlike many other industries, Australia’s clean energy sector has women in key managerial and executive slots.

women in renewables: clean energy industry's glass ceiling breaks supported by CEC e-mentoring program
CEC’s e-mentoring program for women helps women into positions of power in the clean energy industry. Image: Pixabay

As noted in the Sydney Morning Herald, these include:

  • Kerry Schott and Clare Savage at the Energy Security Board.
  • Audrey Zibelman at the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).
  • Paula Conboy at the Australian Energy Regulator.
  • Catherine Tanna at the helm of EnergyAustralia.

Many of these women have also crossed sectors and borders to win these positions and fulfill their objectives.

Audrey Zibelman, for instance, is also known for revolutionising and reforming New York’s public services utilities.

According to Ms Zibelman, Australia’s clean energy sector is also undergoing a “massive change transition”. She adds that women are risk takers, collaborators and willing to challenge traditional thinking.

Signing up for AWRA women in renewables mentoring program

For those interested in becoming an AWRA mentee, the application form is on the CEC website.

Participation in the program also includes:

  • A nine-month mentoring relationship conducted via e-mentoring software.
  • Three hours of mentoring per month over a nine-month period. This is 27 hours in total.
  • Access to the ‘Art of Mentoring’ e-learning modules, handbook and tools.
  • Webinars for mentors and mentees.

Meanwhile, five intakes will take place between February and June 2018. The program starts when an eligible candidate matches with a suitable mentor.

The Federal Government funds the program, which is free for participants.

Energy Matters is a CEC accredited solar panel installer. The company is therefore committed to Continuous Professional Development for all its technicians.

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