Solar panels and Tesla Powerwall 2 helping competition winners slash energy bills

A Current Affair on solar and Tesla Powerwall 2 batteries

Five Australian families are enjoying a solar bonanza courtesy of a TV solar giveaway competition.

Last year, Channel Nine’s A Current Affair gave each of the five winners a five-kilowatt solar energy system and a Tesla Powerwall 2 battery for energy storage.

Now, they are reaping the rewards of low-to-zero power bills. Melbourne’s Gill Williams has even reported getting credits on her bill rather than charges.

The $22,000 solar installations are giving owners the chance to be energy self-sufficient. They produce daytime electricity from solar panels then store the excess for use during the evening peak or overnight.

Once the battery is full, they also sell excess electricity back to the energy retailer. This then earns them credit on their electricity bills.

Zero summer electricity bills from solar giveaway bonanza

The Williams family sailed through the 2017-18 summer with zero electricity bills using their new solar installation.

Solar giveaway bonanza from Channel 9 competition.
Melbourne mum Gill Williams now earns power bill credits from her new solar battery installation. Image: Channel 9

Gill Williams earned an $11.29 credit on her February 2018 electricity bill, while the bill in February 2017 was $104.88. This year’s bill for March subsequently earned her a $19.54 credit.

Ipswich pensioners Carole and Ron Pilkington also earned a $55.95 credit on their March bill using the new solar battery system. And they paid just $8 in February.

According to Carole Pilkington, the couple can now freely run a new air-conditioner gifted by their children. She can also run the heater during winter without worrying about bills.

Remember the following tips to reduce energy use with solar power.

  • Use appliances, dishwashers and washing machines during the day.
  • Minimise evening and night-time electricity use.
  • Track consumption via your solar or battery app.
  • Get into the habit of switching off unnecessary lights.
  • Trim trees to keep solar panels in full sunlight.
  • Use a power plan from a solar-friendly retailer.

Plunging price of solar panels and battery storage

Because the cost of solar panels has fallen dramatically over the last couple of years, they make sense if you want to beat rising power bills.

With a 3 kW system costing $5,000 or less, it can be paid back in three to five years. This takes account of bill savings along the way.

Adding the cost of a Tesla Powerwall 2 makes the payback period between six and nine years.

If you need to know more, the Energy Matters home battery FAQ gives valuable information about which battery to choose and how it saves you money.

Get a quick solar quote, or contact us today toll free on 1800 EMATTERS or email our friendly team for expert, obligation-free advice!

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