Perovskite-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells: A Promising Path for the Future of Solar Energy

perovskite solar cell

The sun, a boundless source of clean energy, has long been a beacon of hope in the fight against climate change. But harnessing its power efficiently has been a constant challenge. Enter perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells, a revolutionary technology poised to reshape the landscape of solar energy.

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Perovskite solar cells: A rising star

Traditionally, silicon has been the undisputed champion of solar cell technology. However, its efficiency, while respectable, has plateaued around 26%. Enter perovskites, a class of crystalline materials with unique light-harvesting properties. Perovskite solar cells have skyrocketed in efficiency in recent years, boasting theoretical potentials exceeding 30%.

What is a perovskite solar cell?

Imagine a solar cell, not made from rigid silicon wafers but from a thin, versatile film painted or printed onto flexible surfaces. This exciting prospect is the promise of perovskite solar cells, a revolutionary technology shaking up the renewable energy landscape.

At the heart of these cells lies a wonder material called perovskite. This crystal structure, named after Russian mineralogist Lev Perovski, possesses exceptional light-harvesting abilities. When sunlight strikes the perovskite layer, it efficiently generates electricity, rivalling even the best traditional solar cells.

Perovskite solar cells offer a multitude of advantages. They are lightweight, bendable, and incredibly cheap to produce compared to their silicon counterparts. This opens doors to exciting applications beyond rooftops, paving the way for solar-powered windows, wearable electronics, and even foldable solar panels for remote areas.

solar cells

The power of tandem: Combining the best of both worlds

Perovskite and silicon possess complementary strengths. Perovskites excel at capturing high-energy photons, while silicon efficiently absorbs the remaining lower-energy spectrum. This synergy forms the basis of tandem solar cells, where a perovskite layer sits atop a silicon one, capturing a broader range of sunlight and boosting overall efficiency.

Innovation of perovskite solar cell

Two examples of the potential of tandem cells are the achievement of 28.4% efficiency by CEA-INES and Enel and ANU’S 30.3% efficiency in 2023.

CEA-INES and Enel: Pushing the boundaries

A two-terminal tandem perovskite-silicon solar cell has reportedly achieved a power conversion efficiency of 28.4%, according to researchers at the National Solar Energy Institute (INES) in France, a branch of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), and Enel Green Power, an Italian company specialising in renewable energy sources. This remarkable feat demonstrates the immense potential of this technology to revolutionise the future of solar energy. Source: PV Magazine

ANU’s breakthrough

A breakthrough in solar cell technology by Australian researchers at the Australian National University (ANU). They have achieved a 30.3% efficiency rate with perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells, marking a significant leap forward in solar energy conversion. 

This achievement has the potential to revolutionise the industry, making solar power even more competitive and paving the way for a more sustainable energy future. The ANU team’s success has attracted attention worldwide, with other companies and research institutions investing heavily in tandem solar cell technology. Read more about Australian Researchers Obtain Perovskite-Silicon Tandem Solar Cell With 30.3% Efficiency.

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Advantages of perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells

Beyond their impressive efficiency, perovskite-silicon tandems offer several other advantages:

  • Lower cost: Perovskites can be synthesised and processed at significantly lower temperatures than silicon, potentially reducing production costs.
  • Scalability: Perovskite materials can be deposited using solution-based techniques, paving the way for large-scale, roll-to-roll manufacturing.
  • Flexibility: Perovskite films are inherently flexible, opening doors for applications on unconventional surfaces like rooftops or curved facades.

Challenges and the road ahead

Despite their immense promise, perovskite-silicon tandem technology still faces challenges. Long-term stability and commercial viability remain hurdles that need to be addressed. However, with ongoing research and development efforts, these challenges are rapidly being overcome.

Source: Mirage News, PV Magazine

June 21, 2021 – NREL researcher Mengjin Yang holds a PET perovskite module. (Photo by Dennis Schroeder / NREL)

A bright future beckons

Perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells represent a transformative leap in the future of solar energy. Their potential for high efficiency, low cost, and scalability makes them a game-changer in the fight against climate change and the quest for sustainable energy. As researchers diligently refine the technology and address remaining challenges, we expect to see perovskite-silicon tandems illuminating homes and powering industries.

Despite the challenges, the future of perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells appears bright. The potential for unprecedented efficiency, affordability, and versatility makes them a highly attractive proposition for the future of solar energy. With continued research and development efforts, these innovative cells have the potential to democratise access to clean energy and play a pivotal role in shaping a more sustainable future for our planet.

Perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells represent a beacon of hope in the quest for a clean and sustainable energy future. These revolutionary cells can transform the solar energy landscape and illuminate the path towards a brighter tomorrow by addressing the current challenges and capitalising on their immense potential.

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