Is Solar Battery Storage Worth the Investment in 2024?

Unsure if solar battery storage is worth it for your Australian home or business? Discover the latest on solar battery costs and explore the benefits of solar battery storage to make an informed decision. Learn if it's the right investment for you!
solar battery

Updated June 24, 2024

The question of whether or not to invest in a solar battery system has become increasingly prevalent among Australian households, particularly those already harnessing the power of solar panels. Batteries have gained significant traction with the promise of energy independence, reduced reliance on the grid, and environmental benefits.

However, amidst the allure of these advantages lies the lingering uncertainty surrounding battery prices. Is solar battery storage a smart moves for homeowners and businesses with solar panels?

The answer is more complex than yes or no. This article will break down the complexity of solar battery storage in Australia, examining the costs, benefits, and considerations so you can determine whether it’s a good fit for your home and business.

Unleash the potential of solar battery storage! Are you ready to transform the way you power your business or household? Say goodbye to rising electricity costs and unpredictable energy grids. The state-of-the-art solar battery systems empower you to maximise energy efficiency, save money, and reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying an uninterrupted power supply.

Let us discuss and choose the best quote that suits your needs and budget, and we can connect you with our trusted local installers, who will provide up to 3 FREE quotes for your business solar and home battery system.

Understanding solar battery storage

Solar battery storage systems capture excess solar energy generated by your panels during the day and store it in batteries for later use. This allows you to utilise the clean, renewable energy you produce even when the sun isn’t shining, such as in the evenings or during power outages.

There are two main types of solar battery storage systems available in Australia:

  • AC-coupled systems: These are generally considered more affordable and easier to install, especially for existing solar setups. They connect to the existing AC wiring in your home.
  • DC-coupled systems: These are often considered more efficient and scalable but typically come with a higher upfront cost. They connect directly to the DC output of your solar panels.

The solar batteries cost: Deciphering the battery price puzzle

Solar battery storage costs are a significant factor to consider. Battery prices have undoubtedly witnessed a downward trend over the past decade, driven by technological advancements and increased production. This has led to a more affordable range of options, making batteries more accessible to a wider consumer base. 

The size and capacity of the battery system you need will significantly impact the overall cost. Factors like brand, technology, warranty, and installation complexity also play a role.

Here’s a ballpark figure: Australia’s typical residential solar battery storage system costs $5,000 to $15,000 or more.

Unveiling the solar battery benefits

While the upfront cost of solar battery storage is a consideration, numerous benefits can make it a worthwhile investment:

  • Increased self-consumption: Batteries allow you to store excess solar energy generated during the day and use it at night, reducing your reliance on the grid and lowering your electricity bills.
  • Reduced energy costs: Australia is experiencing rising electricity prices. You can insulate yourself from these price fluctuations by capturing and utilising your solar energy.
  • Blackout protection: Solar battery storage systems can provide backup power during power outages, ensuring your home remains lit and essential appliances continue functioning.
  • Environmental impact: By maximising your use of solar energy, you contribute to a cleaner environment by reducing your reliance on fossil fuel-generated electricity.
  • Increased property value: Homes equipped with solar panels and battery storage are becoming increasingly attractive to potential buyers, potentially boosting your property value.
  • Participation in Virtual Power Plants (VPPs): VPPs are networks of distributed energy resources, like rooftop solar panels and batteries, that can collectively sell electricity back to the grid during peak demand periods. Participating in a VPP can provide additional income and contribute to grid stability.

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Assessing the financial viability: Weighing the payback period

Despite the current price fluctuations, the financial viability of a battery system remains a crucial factor in decision-making. Many households’ primary motivation for installing a battery is to reduce their reliance on grid electricity and lower their power bills. However, the payback period for a battery system can vary significantly depending on individual energy consumption patterns, tariff structures, and government incentives.

While the long-term benefits are undeniable, the financial payback period for solar batteries in Australia can be lengthy. This period refers to the time it takes for the cost savings on your electricity bills to offset the initial investment in the battery system.

Current payback periods can range from 8 to 12 years, sometimes exceeding the typical lifespan of a solar battery (around 10 years). This can make the financial justification challenging. 

LAVO solar panels, inverter, battery storage and EV chargers
Enphase batteries are one of the brands residents can install under Qld's new battery grants.

Key considerations for Australian households and businesses

When evaluating the feasibility of a battery system, Australian households should consider the following factors that can influence the payback period::

  • Tariff structures: Time-of-use (TOU) tariffs, where electricity prices vary throughout the day, can make batteries more attractive, as they allow households to store energy during cheaper off-peak hours and use it during more expensive peak periods.
  • Current price trends: Battery prices have steadily decreased over the years due to technological advancements, increased production, and growing demand. However, predicting future price drops can be challenging as it depends on market dynamics, technological innovations, and government incentives.
  • Energy consumption and savings: Assess your household’s energy consumption patterns. Suppose you have high energy usage or experience peak demand charges. In that case, a battery system might offer substantial savings by storing excess energy generated from solar panels for later use during peak hours or at night when electricity rates are higher.
  • Technological advancements: Keep an eye on technological advancements in battery storage. While waiting for prices to drop further, newer and more efficient battery models could emerge, offering better performance and longer lifespans.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Calculate the potential return on investment based on your current electricity bills, the cost of the battery system, expected savings, and the system’s lifespan. In some cases, the savings from reduced electricity bills might justify the current price of a battery system.
  • Environmental considerations: If reducing your carbon footprint is a priority, investing in a home battery system and solar panels can contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle by reducing reliance on the grid and fossil fuels.
  • Market stability and demand: Monitor the stability of the battery market. If there’s a sudden surge in demand or supply chain disruptions, prices may fluctuate, making it uncertain whether waiting will result in significantly lower prices.
  • Consultation and research: Seek advice from reputable energy consultants or companies specialising in solar and battery installations. They can provide personalised insights based on your specific circumstances and help you make an informed decision.
  • Government subsidies and incentives: Check for ongoing government schemes, rebates, or incentives for purchasing home battery systems. These incentives can significantly reduce the upfront cost and make it a more attractive investment.

Here are some of the current incentives available (be sure to check with your state government for the latest information):

    • Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES): This scheme provides certificates for the renewable energy produced by your solar system. These certificates can be sold back to electricity retailers, reducing costs.
    • State government rebates: Some state governments offer additional rebates specifically for solar battery storage systems.

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Tesla Powerwall installed outdoors
Sigenergy Solar and Battery solutions

Exploring the future of solar battery storage technology

The future of solar battery storage in Australia is bright. While the exact timing of future price drops remains uncertain, experts generally anticipate continuing the overall downward trend in battery costs. Technological innovations and increasing competition are expected to drive further efficiencies in production, leading to more affordable batteries in the long run.

The bottom line

Solar battery storage technology constantly evolves, with prices dropping and efficiencies increasing. While the financial payback period for batteries might not be immediate, the long-term benefits of reduced electricity bills, energy security, and environmental impact are significant. By carefully considering your needs and budget, you can determine if solar battery storage is the right path to a brighter, more sustainable future powered by the Australian sun.

Use our easy-to-use solar power and battery storage calculator to determine the size of your solar system with storage! Our solar calculator will generate performance information and potential savings. 

We can send this information to 3 of our pre-vetted and trusted local installers in your area to receive obligation-free solar quotes.

Making an informed decision: Is solar battery storage right for you?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Investing in a battery system ultimately hinges on a comprehensive assessment of individual circumstances and priorities. While a battery may not be prudent for those seeking immediate financial savings, solar battery storage can be a worthwhile investment, especially with increasing electricity prices and potential government incentives.

However, a battery can represent a worthwhile investment for those prioritising energy independence, resilience against power outages, and reduced environmental impact.

sungrow solar battery-inverter

The answer is…

So, is solar battery storage a worthy investment? The answer depends on your circumstances.  The decision to buy now or wait should be based on carefully assessing your energy needs, financial situation, available incentives, and the current market scenario.

Investing in a battery system is complex and influenced by many factors. While battery prices are experiencing a temporary rise, experts anticipate a continued downward trend in the long run. Australian households should carefully consider their energy consumption patterns, tariff structures, and government incentives before making an informed decision.

Here are some key questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you have an existing solar panel system? Batteries are most effective when paired with solar panels.
  • What is your electricity usage and cost? High electricity bills and peak usage times during off-peak hours make batteries more financially attractive.
  • How important is energy independence to you? Batteries offer peace of mind if blackouts are a concern or you value self-reliance.
  • What are your budget and payback period expectations? Consider the upfront cost versus potential savings and factor in government rebates available in your state.

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*Prices quoted are to be used as a guide only and do not factor in state and other rebates and incentives. Includes STC discount.

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