Black Friday Solar Panels & More: Empowering Rural Australia With Sustainable Deals

Black Friday solar panels

Welcome to a Black Friday like no other, where the power of change meets the sunkissed landscapes of regional Australia. 

In this blog, we will dive deeper into how Black Friday solar panel deals are transforming energy consumption and becoming the catalyst for empowerment in rural and remote areas. We will explore the unique benefits and tailored solutions that illuminate a sustainable future for every corner of the land down under. 

This Black Friday, let’s not just shop for deals for Black Friday solar panels and more; let’s power up possibilities. 


Challenges in energy for rural Australia

There are several challenges in rural Australia when it comes to energy. Some are the following: 

  • Geographic isolation: Most rural communities are located far from urban centres. These areas face geographic isolation. In turn, the complexity of extending power grids to these areas can be prohibitive, leaving residents reliant on alternative energy sources.
  • Limited access to traditional power grid: Unlike their urban counterparts, a lot of rural properties have limited access to traditional power grids. This impacts the residents’ daily lives and hinders the potential for economic development in these regions. 
  • Reliance on non-renewable energy sources: Historically, rural areas have relied heavily on non-renewable energy sources. These are not eco-friendly but also subject to price volatility, impacting the economic stability of rural communities. 
  • Vulnerability to extreme weather events: The country’s rural landscape is no stranger to extreme weather events, from scorching heatwaves to severe storms. These events can disrupt power supply, leaving communities without electricity for extended periods and increasing their vulnerability. 
  • Economic constraints: Limited financial resources in rural areas pose a challenge when it comes to investing in sustainable energy solutions. The upfront costs of transitioning to renewable energy, such as solar panels, can be a significant barrier for many residents. 

Black Friday solar deals

Recognising the unique challenges faced by rural communities, this Black Friday 2023’s solar deals are not only about discounts; they are also about customised solutions that harness the sun’s power to transform the energy landscape in remote areas. 


Bluetti Power, known for its portable power stations and solar generators offer solar panels and energy storage solutions designed for indoor and outdoor use. The company aims to provide customers with reliable and portable sources of power, which can be useful in rural areas, camping and other outdoor activities.

Black Friday Solar Panels - Bluetti AC300

Customers can get up to 33 per cent off for selected products this Black Friday.  The Bluetti AC300 + B300 home battery backup system is available this Black Friday 2023 at $4,199, originally $4,998. It offers a 3,000 AC Pure Sine Wave Inverter with a 6,000W surge capacity. 

This can empower rural property owners to achieve off-grid independence and ensure uninterrupted power during outages or emergencies. It is ideal for remote locations, thanks to its portable design that allows for easy transport. Its solar integration and large capacity make it a free solution for rural properties, reducing environmental impact.

Black Friday Solar Panels - Bluetti PV350

Among the solar panels that are on sale this Black Friday in Australia is the Bluetti PV350, which is currently priced at $1,099, originally priced at $1,399. It’s a 350W solar panel with a higher conversion rate for optimal energy production even in challenging weather conditions. 

The solar panel is also designed with simplicity in mind because of its easy setup process. Power essential equipment for farming and agriculture, from water pumps to electric fences, allows for efficient and sustainable rural operations. It also enhances the capabilities of your existing power stations, making it an excellent addition to your energy infrastructure. 

EcoFlow offers cutting-edge portable power solutions designed to meet the diverse energy needs of Aussies. The brand is known for its commitment to sustainability, innovation and creating products that enhance energy resilience. 

Black Friday Solar Panels - EcoFlow 400W

This Black Friday, EcoFlow has several products with huge discounts. One is the EcoFlow 400W portable solar panel, now available at the discounted price of $1,259 (originally $1,499). It is a high-performance solar panel that is not just a power source, but a gateway to energy independence tailored for rural living. 

With its high solar input, you can charge faster and more efficiently to keep your rural property energised. You can also benefit from up to 23 per cent conversion rate for optimal energy production. 

Black Friday Solar Panels - EcoFlow Smart Generator

Another one is the EcoFlow Smart Generator available this Black Friday at the special price of $1,999 (originally $2,399). This offers a 20kWh capacity with a standard LPG tank, ensuring worry-free backup power for a rural lifestyle. 

Property owners can also save 40 per cent on fuel consumption by connecting the Smart Generator to EcoFlow’s DELTA series and Power Kits. 

Perth Solar Warehouse

Perth Solar Warehouse is a solar energy company that specialises in providing solar solutions for residential and commercial customers in the region. 

Black Friday Solar Panels - EcoFlow Smart Generator

Another one is the EcoFlow Smart Generator available this Black Friday at the special price of $1,999 (originally $2,399). This offers a 20kWh capacity with a standard LPG tank, ensuring worry-free backup power for a rural lifestyle. 

Property owners can also save 40 per cent on fuel consumption by connecting the Smart Generator to EcoFlow’s DELTA series and Power Kits. 

Black Friday Solar Panels - Risen N Type

One of their Black Friday sales is the Risen N-Type solar panels, which come with a 25-year product warranty, ensuring long-lasting performance even in the rugged Australian landscape. It features an impressive 22.5 per cent efficiency that delivers elite power density, maximising energy production and ensuring optimal performance in various conditions. 

These solar panels have also proven their reliability as the brand of choice for the Meriden solar farm. It is currently on sale for $2,990.

Black Friday Solar Panels - Jinko Tiger Neo

Another one is the Jinko Tiger Neo N-Type solar panels with next-gen TOPCon mono cells with packages on sale for just $3,290. It has a remarkable 30-year performance warranty and low-light performance, making it an ideal choice for rural environments with varying weather patterns. 

Lighting the path to a sustainable future

From achieving off-grid independence and powering agricultural operations to contributing to environmental sustainability, solar energy stands as a beacon of progress for rural property owners. 

As we are on the precipice of Black Friday, the opportunity to embrace these benefits has never been more enticing. 

Let us discuss and choose the best quote that suits your needs and budget, and we can connect you with our trusted local installers, who will provide up to 3 FREE quotes for your business solar and home battery system.

Get a quick solar quote, or contact us today toll free on 1800 EMATTERS or email our friendly team for expert, obligation-free advice!

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