New Solar Technologies Beef Up Smart Homes Today

A lot of people don’t realise that they could get so much more out of their solar system. Unfortunately, there are still a significant number of solar homes not only in Australia, but in the whole world that have no insights into their solar systems’ production or energy consumption. 

A solar system that you can’t monitor and control easily can lead to issues. It’s easy to assume that all is well until your next energy bill arrives. In addition, you can’t make the most out of your solar energy without the ability to control energy consumption. 

With the help of your solar system, energy mointoring, and other smart devices, you can transform your home to a Smart Home.

In comes smart solar

Smart energy solutions that can be integrated into homes are gaining popularity in the solar industry. Many companies are developing and launching new technologies that will enable homeowners and business owners to experience more out of their solar systems. One of these companies is SolarEdge. 

During the All-Energy conference held in Melbourne last month, the company announced the launch of the smart energy ecosystem that is DC-optimised. The system will allow homeowners and business owners to get the most from their solar and battery systems. The system is also designed to improve cost savings and energy security. 

Today, the brand is bringing together battery and inverter power optimisers as well as other smart energy devices. All of these can be controlled via the SolarEdge app, enabling homeowners to schedule and monitor their energy usage and savings, as well as prepare for outages with the Weather Guard feature. 

Better support for smart homes

Smart homes with solar energy can also look forward to more advanced technologies that can optimise their smart energy homes. Early in October 2022, Porsche Ventures, the founder of Tesla’s European operations, and the co-founder of Sonnen, revealed their plans to invest $100 million in Australia and the APAC region to establish the 1komma5° venture. 

The venture will be a one-stop-shop that will bring a CO2-neutral life to homes and businesses today. 

“There’s so many products and a lack of one-stop-shops that have the ability and the capital to bring those all under one umbrella,” said the CEO of Natural Solar, the first 1komma5° venture retail and installer partner in the country. 

Homes are getting smarter

Smart homes in Australia continue to grow. In 2017, only 1.76 million smart homes were recorded; in 2022, there are now 4.03 million smart homes in Australia. From 2017 to 2022, an upward trend was shown based on Statista, which only means that it’s only about to go up from here. 

Unbeknownst to some, solar technology and battery storage play important roles in home automation—and it’s something that you should take advantage of now. 


Solar power makes these homes even smarter. When you look at it from an energy perspective, smart homes enable users to control the amount of solar power fed back to the grid. In addition, they allow homeowners to quickly and conveniently turn their appliances on and off. Therefore, taking advantage of off-peak electricity rates become a lot easier and more convenient. 

This is also when there are more smart inverters, intelligent real-time monitors, and battery storage on the market. 

Future-proofing homes

Future-proofing your homes through solar is now here as new technologies come in in the forms of:

Solar energy is the power infrastructure necessary to capitalise on all these new technologies that will make your home more cost-efficient and even smarter than ever. 

Energy Matters has over 17 years of experience in the solar industry and has helped over 40,000 Australian households in their journey to energy independence.

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