How Commercial Solar is a Solution to Rising Energy Prices

Commercial-sized solar systems are usually categorised as 10kW in size or greater. A commercial solar system is installed for use by a business, unlike residential solar which is installed for use by a dwelling. With rising energy prices, along with expiring energy contracts and increasing inflation , it’s crucial to look for an alternative solution for your business’s energy needs.

Energy crisis

The Russian invasion of Ukraine fueled the energy crisis, which pushed up gas prices.  Along with aging infrastructure, the closing down of fossil-fuel power plants, increasing demand for energy, and the world’s economic downturn, Australia has found itself in the midst of an energy crisis. This crisis has seen residential and commercial energy bills skyrocket.

How commercial solar can help

A commercial solar system consists of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels that can convert energy from the sun into electricity. This means that your solar system generates energy from a natural resource, the sun, which is available every day. You can save a significant amount of money for your business by harnessing this free energy. 

Commercial solar can also protect your business from supply risks, which is essential given the instability of the electricity grid. Your business will be able to resist fluctuations in the energy market in terms of supply and price. 

In addition to the financial savings you can expect with commercial solar, you also get more energy security and independence.  With your own commercial solar panels, you can harvest your own energy, reducing your dependency on the grid. By being less dependent on the grid, your business can reduce utility costs significantly. 


Commercial solar rebate

Whilst you avoid rising energy prices, you get to save even more money with commercial solar, thanks to the financial incentive Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) that are given by the Australian government to households and small businesses with solar panels installed on their properties. 

STCs are when you get paid depending on the expected generation of your solar for the next nine years and if often applied as a point-of-sale discount to your commercial solar quote. 

However, business owners who choose to install a 100kW solar system will no longer be qualified to claim STCs, but instead claim Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs). 

LGCs must be tracked, reported, and claimed every year. Therefore, the business should be registered as an “accredited power station” with the Clean Energy Regulator; then, they will ensure your meter meets National Electricity Market standards for more accurate tracking. 

One thing to note is commercial companies often have long-term tariff contracts with an energy retailer. This will then affect the future paybacks or savings from going solar. That’s why it’s vital to ensure you understand and agree to the terms provided, specifically when the contract expires and the projected increase in tariff charges. 
Ready for your business to go solar? Get up to 3 FREE solar quotes for your business.

Now is the right time to switch to Melbourne solar energy. We recommend seeking at least 3 solar quotes to ensure that you are getting the best deal and selecting the right solar installer in Melbourne whom you can trust. With this, you can guarantee a solar system in Melbourne that meets your energy needs.

Get a quick solar quote, or contact us today toll free on 1800 EMATTERS or email our friendly team for expert, obligation-free advice!

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