UK Solar Company Completes First Australian Installation of Modular Solar Solution

modular solar-nomad

In a significant stride towards a sustainable energy future, Cambridge Energy, a pioneering leader in renewable energy solutions, has completed the first-ever installation of a modular solar solution in Western Australia. This groundbreaking achievement marks a pivotal moment in the realm of renewable energy infrastructure and has far-reaching implications for the energy landscape not only in Australia but across the globe.

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Energy Matters has been a leader in the renewable energy industry since 2005 and has helped over 40,000 Australian households in their journey to energy independence. With Energy Matters, you can be sure you’re getting the best possible deal on solar energy. We only work with reputable solar firms with a proven track record of delivering high-quality solar systems.

modular solar solutions

Cambridge Energy, a UK-based solar company, has completed the first Australian installation of its Nomad system, a prefabricated and modular solar solution that integrates single-axis tracking technology. The system was installed at the Norton Gold Fields’ Binduli mining operation near Kalgoorlie in Western Australia’s Eastern Goldfields region.

The Nomad system is designed to be easy to install and maintain, making it a good fit for remote or difficult-to-access locations such as mining sites. The system is also scalable, so it can be adapted to meet the specific needs of each project.

According to Trent Colyer, OSOS Global Services Pty Ltd, “We have never installed (a NOMAD) before, and no one in Australia has either. But they’ve made it very, very simple for us to do it.”

The 2.3 MW system installed at the Binduli mine site consists of 10,000 solar panels and is expected to generate enough electricity to power 1,200 homes. The system is expected to save the mine around AUD 1 million in energy costs over its lifetime.

The successful installation of the Nomad system in Australia is a significant milestone for Cambridge Energy. The company is now looking to expand its presence in the Australian market, and it is confident that the Nomad system will be a popular choice for mining companies and other businesses that operate in remote areas.

Understanding modular solar solutions

At its core, a modular solar solution entails assembling individual solar modules into larger, integrated units. These individual units, often called “building blocks,” are pre-designed to fit together, simplifying and expediting the installation process seamlessly. Unlike traditional solar panel systems, which involve mounting individual panels onto racks, the modular approach streamlines installation and reduces the complexities associated with wiring and connectivity.

In addition to the benefits of being prefabricated and modular, the Nomad system also offers a number of other advantages, including:

  • Increased energy production: The single-axis tracking technology used by the Nomad system allows it to follow the sun throughout the day, which results in increased energy production.
  • Reduced maintenance costs: The prefabricated and modular design of the Nomad system makes it easier to install and maintain, saving businesses money in the long run.
  • Increased resilience: The Nomad system is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, making it a good choice for remote or difficult-to-access locations.

The successful installation of the Nomad system in Australia is a positive development for the solar industry in the country. The system offers several advantages that make it a good choice for businesses operating in remote areas, and it is expected to be a popular choice in the Australian market.

modular solar solution-nomad
modular solar solution-nomad. installation

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Here are some additional details about the installation of the Nomad system at the Norton Gold Fields’ Binduli mine site:

  • The system was installed over a period of six weeks.
  • The solar panels were mounted on a single-axis tracking system that follows the sun throughout the day.
  • The system is connected to the mine’s existing electrical grid.
  • The system is expected to save the mine around AUD 1 million in energy costs over its lifetime.

The successful installation of the Nomad system at the Binduli mine site is a significant milestone for Cambridge Energy. The company is now looking to expand its presence in the Australian market, and it is confident that the Nomad system will be a popular choice for mining companies and other businesses that operate in remote areas.

Revolutionising the deployment of solar panels

Cambridge’s pioneering achievement in completing Australia’s first modular solar solution installation underscores the remarkable strides in renewable energy technology. By revolutionising the deployment of solar panels, this breakthrough enhances the efficiency and scalability of solar energy projects and bolsters the global movement toward a more sustainable future. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges posed by climate change, innovations like modular solar solutions provide a beacon of hope, illustrating the potential for human ingenuity to address today’s energy needs without compromising tomorrow’s needs.


Source&Images: Cambridge Energy Facebook and LinkedIn

Going commercial solar

Is solar energy suitable for your business? Solar energy has numerous advantages that are worth investigating. Investing in solar will minimise your operational costs, reduce your company’s carbon footprint, and prepare it for the future. A commercial property with a solar installation is excellent for business.

When installing commercial solar for a company, it is crucial to be informed of all types of federal government solar rebates, incentives and the many benefits these provide, as they may help Australian businesses become future-ready and sustainable for years to come.

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