Breaking Barriers: Call to Cut Red Tape For Australian Household Solar Owners

Red Tape for Australian Household Solar Owners

A study shows the potential outcome when Australia reaches saturation levels of distributed energy resources if the red tape is eliminated. 

In the report, companies and regulators were urged to ensure consumers are compensated fairly for the services their behind-the-meter devices can provide to the grid. It also calls for network service providers to match the location of renewable energy and charging stations for EVs. 

The report suggests regulators should make adjustments to electricity trading that will allow businesses and households to sell excess daytime generation into peak evening demand, which is between 4 and 8 pm. 

According to report author Gabrielle Kuiper, “If this peak no longer exists, there will likely be significant impacts on the spot market. The logical consequences should be significant downward pressure on wholesale spot prices, which benefits all consumers”.

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Not a New Issue

This isn’t new in Australia—there are known issues with red tape and lack of technical expertise that hinder renewable energy projects. 

In 2016, a campaign by the Community Power Agency (CPA) and a coalition of grassroots energy groups started a campaign to fight against red tape. 

Communities seek to invest in themselves, but legal and fundamental hindrances makes it challenging to start a project. 


The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis modelling will encourage consumers to switch to smart electric hot water systems from gas. 

However, the lack of technical expertise and bureaucratic hurdles make it difficult for communities to invest in renewable energy projects.

The campaign by CPA and grassroots energy groups aims to simplify the process of investing in renewable energy projects. They argue that local communities should have the power to make their own decisions about how they produce and consume electricity, without being bogged down by bureaucratic obstacles.


One key area where red tape is causing problems is with regard to grid connection. Many renewable energy projects require access to the grid in order for them to be viable, but getting connected can be a lengthy and costly process. This has led some communities to explore alternative options such as off-grid solutions or microgrids.

Another issue faced by community-based renewable energy initiatives is a lack of funding. While government grants are available for these types of projects, accessing them often requires navigating complex application processes, which can deter smaller organisations from even applying.

Despite these challenges, many communities are still pushing ahead with plans for clean energy generation using solar panels, wind turbines or hydroelectric systems. By working together through campaigns like this one against red tape they hope we will see more investment in renewables over time, leading towards cleaner air quality standards around our planet too!

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