Is Your Home at Risk? One In 25 Australian Homes Uninsurable By 2030 Due to Climate Change

As the effects of climate change worsen, thousands of Australian homes will be at risk of becoming uninsurable.

uninsurable homes australia

A detailed analysis released by the Climate Council has found that by 2030, one in 25 Australian homes will be uninsurable due to extreme weather and climate change. This number rises to one in seven homes within Australia’s top 10 electorates most at-risk of climate impacts.

The ‘Uninsurable Nation’

Australians have seen more than our fair share of devastating bushfires and floods in recent years. The Climate Council says that climate change, driven by the burning of coal, oil and gas is supercharging our weather systems. This is resulting in more extreme weather events such as heatwaves, bushfires and floods, which are taking a toll on properties across the country.

The Council’s new report ‘Uninsurable Nation’ states that the increase in extreme weather means increased costs of property maintenance, repair and replacement. As the risk of being affected by extreme weather events grows, insurers are increasingly factoring this into their policies and premiums. In some cases, they might even refuse to insure properties in high-risk areas.

This is a problem for all Australians, but particularly for those who live and conduct business in bushfire and flood-prone areas, as well as coastal regions that are at risk of sea-level rise and more volatile weather systems. The Climate Council warns that, in the most extreme instances, areas may become uninhabitable. 

Nicki Hutley from the Climate Councill said: “It is clear that Australia is fast becoming an uninsurable nation. Skyrocketing costs or flat out insurance ineligibility are becoming more and more widespread under climate change.” 

How to Check if Your Home is at Risk

To help Australians understand the risk climate change poses to their homes and surrounding areas, the Climate Council has released an interactive Climate Risk Map.

The map uses hundreds of millions of data points analysed by Climate Valuation to provide users with an estimate of the risk to their suburb or postcode from a list of climate hazards, including bushfires, floods, extreme wind and coastal inundation. These hazards are measured based on low, medium and high emissions scenarios and across decades (by 2030, 2050 and 2100).

The map also provides users the option to email the map to their federal candidates in an effort to put pressure on them to put the spotlight on climate action before the next election.

You can check the risk in your suburb or postcode by clicking here.

Top 10 Most at Risk Electorates

According to the map, the top 10 most at-risk electorates are as follows:

  1. Nicholls, Victoria: 27% or 25,801 properties 
  2. Richmond, New South Wales: 20% or 22,274 properties 
  3. Maranoa, Queensland: 15% or 9,551 properties 
  4. Moncrieff, Queensland: 14% or 18,032 properties 
  5. Wright, Queensland: 14% or 12,140 properties 
  6. Brisbane, Queensland: 13% or 19,355 properties 
  7. Griffith, Queensland: 13% or 14,812 properties 
  8. Indi, Victoria: 11% or 11,215 properties
  9. Page, New South Wales: 11% or 11,691 properties 
  10. Hindmarsh, South Australia: 11% or 10,775 properties 

Mitigating the Risk

Australia’s response to the threat of climate change has been lukewarm at best, with the federal government not responding hard or fast enough to mitigate its effects or adapt our infrastructure and communities to withstand more extreme weather.

It is critical that our leaders and industries take the necessary steps to reduce emissions and speed up the shift toward a completely renewable energy supply.

Climate change is very real and its effects are creeping into every aspect of our lives, whether we like it or not. We must act now to reduce the risk to our environment, homes and communities.

What else can you do to combat climate change?

One of the most significant things you can do is reduce your greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption by choosing low-carbon transport, housing and appliances or simply reducing your reliance on electricity from the grid. Installing solar panels on your roof is an excellent choice in the fight against climate change because the sun is a free source of clean power.

You can also choose to purchase sustainable goods and services, support Australian businesses that are investing in renewable energy or helping restore natural ecosystems.

Another way is by participating in the political process – letting your local MP know you want action on climate change so they will act accordingly. Signing petitions, supporting community-led events and joining an advocacy group are also great ways to get involved.

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